
3 Tips on Capturing Your Authentic Self Through Online Video Profiles

Social media sites offer excellent ways to connect with other people. Whether you want to talk with your family, friends, or online communities, all of them are just a few taps away. However, one increasingly popular use of social media is looking for that special someone to build a bond with.

The Trick to Dating App Profiles: Capturing Your Authentic Self

The internet has made it easier for people to match with potential romantic partners. Rather than wasting time going out and talking to strangers with whom you share nothing in common, you can instead view a quick outline of what they do, how old they are, and what they’re interested in. With this, you’ll have a better idea of what they are as a person.

Although they’re useful, dating apps aren’t foolproof. Even if these apps help you lay all those details out there and match with a person you think you’d make a real connection with, you may still find that your date isn’t exactly who they say they are on their profile—or maybe it’s the other way around. 

If you’ve ever gone on a date with someone who was not too enthusiastic about forming a relationship with you, it may be because your dating profile didn’t quite capture your authentic self—who you are beyond your profile. 

Fortunately, online video dating apps can help with this. Here are some tips to get your authentic self out there:

Tip #1: Look at Other Profiles, but Never Copy Them Outright

If you’re lost and don’t know where to start when making an online video dating profile, look to others for inspiration. You may find that some aspects resonate well with your personality, so seek to create something similar. However, if you want to stay authentic, put your own twist on them—never copy them completely. You’ll risk being another cliché.

Tip #2: Be Honest and Embrace Your Flaws

You cannot build a real, sustainable connection with someone if you’re only showing your highlights all the time. Nobody is perfect, and it’s best to embrace your flaws and let the other person know that you’re being real and honest. 

If you don’t have a perfectly sculpted body or aren’t loaded with cash, the right person will still accept you for being authentic. Let go of your facade and don’t try too hard to impress them. Instead, be warm, open, and show who you really are in your online video dating profile.

On that note, it’s best not to put anything too negative on your profile. Be real, but don’t put yourself down. You are much more than your flaws.

Tip #3: Get a Little Help from Your Friends

Your friends know the real you, and they know things about you that you may not even be aware of. Let them help you write a profile that captures who you really are—from your hobbies, interests, and even cute, quirky facts about yourself. Those can be excellent conversation starters that can help you build a bond with the right person.

Capture Your Real Self with the Best Online Video Dating App

Showing your honest, authentic self is the key to success in dating apps. By doing so, you’re letting others know that you’re someone they can build a real connection with. You’re helping them look beyond the superficial and more into your genuine self.

If you’re looking for the best online video dating app, we have you covered. Zepeel helps you show your most authentic self by letting you craft a 30-second profile video that captures your personality. You can view other video profiles, send video messages, video chat with matches, and make genuine connections. Download the app today!

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