
5 Video Messaging Strategies to Spark Romance

When love becomes part of any conversation, spark on the first date is always top of mind. Romance will not happen if the talking stage is dry or has little to no movement. Having an arsenal of romantic, creative starters is an excellent rule of thumb. That way, the dialogue can flow freely and conversations can even end up extra sweet and/or spicy.

Romantic Conversations Can Go a Long Way

It should be noted that being romantic can mean a number of different things to many people. This means that you need to take your personality and views into account as you gather messaging strategies to spark romance. 

Consider the other person’s personality if you know who they are, such as:

  • A friend that you’re looking to turn into more than just a friend

  • Someone that you’re dating at present

  • Your wife or husband

Needless to say, someone you’re looking to meet or just met will need a different conversational approach for romance.

Here are five messaging strategies to spark romance in any situation:

1. Find a Shared Interest

Did you end up mustering the courage to start a conversation with someone who mentions a love for miniatures in their dating app bio? Or show a potential music-loving date a clip of you playing the piano? A shared interest can be a great conversation starter—and it’s also the perfect opportunity to bond over doing the activity you enjoy together.

2. Introduce Yourself

It’s important to do this with an introduction that’s quick and not abrasive. Some people don’t take well to being approached by complete strangers. However, remember that couples all started out as strangers. Break the ice by using tactics like a humorous approach through a witty comment or joke.

3. Make Them Feel Special

Don’t just talk about yourself! People love when someone shows interest in them—and not only what they look like or what they have to offer but also who they are as a person. Ask a prospective date about things they’re passionate about, and pay attention! Even if you’ve just met, this particular attention will not go unnoticed.

4. Keep Personal Details Private

It’s important to be careful about what you say about someone, and this is true online and in-person. Avoid trash-talking a potential date or putting them on blast to your friends or Twitter—if it ends up getting back to them, it could do a lot of damage! Be kind, and keep personal details private. If it doesn’t work out between the two of you, respectfully move on.

5. Personalize the Conversation Starter

When you have a crush on someone, you’ll likely know something about them. Approach them in a personal manner but make sure there’s a balance struck there. After all, nobody likes a stalker. Make sure the question or opening line is explicitly romantic, so your intention is laid out without you having to openly state it.


The right conversation can go a long way in terms of making and pursuing romantic connections. When dating, a huge part of how things go relies on the talking stage. Key messaging strategies include doing the conversation privately with a crush, finding a shared interest with a stranger, and making the other person feel special.

Looking for the best online video dating app to spark romantic conversations? Check out Zepeel! Our mobile dating app is free and ideal for video messages and live video chat.

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