
The Tips You Need to Know in Video Dating With Girls

Communicating with strangers can be difficult for many of us. Shy people are often unable to start a conversation, let alone choose a topic. Others fear a long, silent, and awkward pause, so they try to keep the conversation going at any cost. 

The same situation often happens in online dating. However, there is no need for you to worry at all! Today, we will give tips on video dating with girls and how you should act to ensure an enjoyable and meaningful video chat for both of you.

What to Talk About

First, choose a reliable video dating app such as Zepeel that guarantees you get high-quality dates. The next steps will become easier to achieve once you know you are on the right platform. Video chat with girls about things that typically interest you: your favorite books and movies, music, work, hobbies, travel, plans for the weekend, upcoming holidays, and others.

Stay positive and do not get carried away by negative topics. Even if you do not agree with the girl’s opinion, do not argue aggressively. Instead, try to foster a healthy discussion that gives space for what each of you thinks.

How to Start a Conversation

There are very concrete techniques. However, the girl should feel that you are putting in the effort to find out her interest, maybe even before the video chat. When you see a girl you are attracted to, open her profile and look at her photos. Try to find out her hobbies and interests.

Then, introduce yourself and explain why you decided to connect. Be creative! Write a flattering message that speaks to the soul! You will definitely succeed. The most important thing is to know how to impress a woman without sounding too cocky. You should be confident in your charm and know that you are definitely an interesting person for her.

Continuing the Video Chat

If you have already spoken about your hobbies, make a new conversation about them. If you talked about your favorite books and movies, ask questions to find out more about what interests her. In maintaining an interesting conversation with her, follow these tips:

  • Don’t be excessive.

  • Do not try to cover all the topics and send her tons of messages.

  • Don’t send her messages when she’s working or sleeping.

  • Do not force her to take a video call when she’s busy.

  • Don’t call her repeatedly if she doesn’t answer your message right away.

  • Do not show her how angry you are when she doesn’t answer you at once. This is not the right way.

  • Don’t bring up failed dates. Talk about what you are looking for instead. Don’t blame, humiliate, or insult your past girlfriends.


Video dating with girls is not difficult, as long as you know how to talk to her in the chat and make her feel safe with you. The most important thing is to feel like a man, to be a real gentleman, and to talk to the soul and show your good intentions, and you’ll definitely be successful! Lastly, never forget to have fun and show the best side of you possible.

Are you looking for the best video dating app? Check out Zepeel. It is an application that offers video profiles, video messages, and live video chat. Browse its features today!

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