
3 Reasons Why You Need to Start Dating through Video Chat

Video calls are infiltrating the dating scene. In this day and age, this technological development can replace initial face-to-face meet-ups for the majority of singles who are accustomed to courtship while physically separated.

 You may not have considered it, but putting forth the effort to create a video “pre-date” with your matches could reap benefits for both you and your match! Here are the three reasons why you need to start dating through video chat:

Video Chat Allows You to Better Grasp of Your Match’s Disposition

Video chats are a wonderful method to investigate prospective companions while also saving time and money by avoiding awkward first dates. You’ve probably been on at least one date where the person you met in person did not resemble the person in their dating profile photo.

 Through video chat, you’ll be able to view them exactly as they appear in real life! After seeing their genuine faces, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.

 Furthermore, a “real-time” connection is a better predictor of chemistry than a few photographs and an internet biography. Conversational abilities, body language, and even a person’s tone of voice and laughter can all influence your level of attraction for them. In other words, if you don’t feel it after your video pre-dates, you’re not going to feel it after your first date.

 Virtual meetings can be held prior to in-person meetings using Zepeel’s video chat. At any time, you can join a live video chat with a friend. It’s the closest you’ll get to meet in person without really being there.

Video Chat Encourages You to Take On a Real-world Date

After your initial “face-to-face” conversation, you’ll be able to gauge the person and your situation. Additionally, knowing your match and developing chemistry before meeting in person ensures that your date is really interested in you. A personal video message from Zepeel can also help your connections get to know you better.

Video Chat Speeds up the Process

While people may tend to “take it slow,” video chats simply give you a modern experience of getting to know someone. Posting messages on a dating app or website without a good handle on the art of online dating discussion may take days, if not weeks, before your match feels comfortable bringing the connection offline.

 It is a one-dimensional communication experience that provides visual clues and vocal inflections. Here, you will also have plenty of time to properly select your words. Once the initial spark has been established, a video chat is the best approach to add authenticity and gain the trust of your audience. Thus, when using online dating services, seeing your match’s true self in real-time via a “live” conversation is a huge advantage.


Video calls can only aid you if your match is impressed with your performance throughout the call. The video chat is more than that; it is your first impression, so make the most of it.

 The pre-date is similar to an on-camera job interview in many aspects. This time, however, you’ll showcase yourself to someone who could be a prospective spouse. You definitely have the option of winging it and hoping everything goes smoothly. If you’re serious about finding a spouse, though, planning ahead of time will help you get dates with someone you believe is compatible for a long-term commitment.

 Are you looking for the best online video dating app? Zepeel’s dating app gives you a speedy and exciting online dating experience, saving the hassle of static profile photos and awkward messages. With our powerful dynamic tools, you get the opportunity to meet people and know more about their life in real-time. Download our app today!

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